Wednesday, September 3, 2008


What do we do when we pray? We open the line of communication to God. We have the opportunity for exchange with him. Do we somethimes pray and tell God what we want or need and then "hang up"? We, including myself, should remember that prayer is like a phone line and we should listen with our hearts as well as speak with our hearts. I am learning how to "listen" and I pray for God to give me the discernment to hear his words.

Do we have to be on our best behavior when we pray and only say nice things? I think we should respect and Love God but He also wants to hear our raw feelings. The issues that are tearing us apart inside. I believe it is ok with Him to tell Him about the things that bug us or the things that hurt us. He wants to hear our deepest feelings no matter what they are. Maybe some healing could take place when we do that. I am not condoning cursing God but I do condone letting Him know where it hurts so He can put a band-aid on it just as Loving Father would do for his children.
Lamenting is throughout the Bible just as is Romance and Violence. I encourage you to share the deepest, darkest parts of you with God. He knows your heart and knew you before you existed. He knows you so well that the very hairs of your head are numbered. He desires a Loving and intimate relationship with you and He thinks you are worth it, whatever "it" is. Whether you believe in God or not, or whether you Love God or not, He Loves you and always will. He never changes.

(by Tatsak)

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