Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Noah's Ark
Have you seen this?
Working Replica of Noah's Ark
Opens In SCHAGEN, Netherlands
The massive central door in the side of Noah's Ark was thrown open Saturday
for the first crowd of curious Pilgrims and townsfolk to behold the wonder.
Of course, it's only a replica of the biblical Ark , built by Dutch
Creationist Johan Huibers as a testament to his faith in the literal truth of the Bible.
The ark is 150 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 20 cubits wide. That's two-thirds the length of a football field and as high as a three-story house.
Life-size models of giraffes, elephants, lions, crocodiles, zebras,
bison and other animals greet visitors as they arrive in the main hold.
A contractor by trade, Huibers built the ark of cedar and pine -
Biblical Scholars debate exactly what the wood used by Noah would have been.
Huibers did the work mostly with his own hands, using modern tools
and with occasional help from his son Roy. Construction began in
May 2005.
On the uncovered top deck - not quite ready in time for the opening
- will come a petting zoo, with baby lambs and chickens, and goats,
and one camel.
Visitors on the first day were stunned.
'It's past comprehension, ' said Mary Louise Starosciak, who
happened to be bicycling by with her husband while on vacation
when they saw The ark looming over the local landscape.
'I knew the story of Noah, but I had no idea the boat would have been so big.'
There is enough space near the keel for a 50-seat film
theater where kids can watch a video that tells the story of Noah
and his ark.
Huibers said he hopes the project will renew interest in Christianity in
the Netherlands , where church going has fallen dramatically in the past 50 years.
''If you need help, ask God. If you don't, thank God...“
Now that I am old and gray...give me the time to tell this new generation and
their children too about all your mighty miracles. (Psalm 71:18)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mister Nobody
(sumber: website mangucup)
Kota Osaka adalah kota no. 2 terbesar di Jepang setelah Tokio dgn jumlah penduduk hampir 9 juta orang, jadi termasuk kota yg padat dgn penduduknya, walaupun demikian ternyata orang tidak bisa mengetahui ada seseorang telah mati selama dua bln. Apabila orang tsb mati di dlm rumah ini masih bisa dimengerti, tetapi orang tsb matinya di depannya mall di pusat keramaian kota. Mayat dari orang tsb baru diketahui setelah dua bln meninggal oleh seorang supir taxi, disini kita bisa melihat betapa cuek bebeknya manusia pada jaman sekarang ini, maklum ia hanyalah seorang Mr. Nobody - Laporan dari CNN - 17.12.2003
Negeri Belanda yg telah mengirimkan ribuan misionaris ke Indonesia, untuk menginjili bangsa Indonesia, tetapi ironisnya pada saat sekarang ini, berdasarkan survey oleh siaran TV setempat, ternyata 1/3 dari jumlah penduduknya sdh tidak mengetahui lagi, makna dari Hari Natal itu apa, mereka lebih mengenal Sinter Klaas daripada Yesus. Mereka pikir hari Natal itu adalah hari pesta hura2 biasa seperti halnya Karnaval ataupun hari Valentine Day yg tidak ada kaitannya dgn agama sama sekali.
Dilain pihak orang bersedia untuk membayar harga satu return ticket sebanyak 170 milyar Rp atau 20 juta US$, hanya untuk satu trip selama sepuluh hari - jalan2 ke stasiun ruang angkasa dgn mengendarai roket Rusia. Hingga kini telah terjual sebanyak 4 ticket.
Apa yg akan Anda bisa dapatkan setelah perjalanan tsb? Selainnya masuk koran jadi beken Anda juga akan mendapatkan piagam penghargaan sebagai manusia yg pernah jalan2 keluar angkasa.
Tetapi apakah Anda tahu, bagaimana bekennya maupun bagaimana hebatnya seseorang di kolong langit ini, dunia dan orang2 disekitarmu, hanya akan meratapi orang tsb paling lama selama dua jam saja, setelah itu ia akan dilupakan untuk se-lama2nya, hal itulah yg diucapkan oleh Mark Twain. Lihat saja ketika Ibu Tien ataupun ketika John F. Kennedy wafat, berapa lama mereka berkabung, paling lama satu minggu setelah itu mereka melupakannya lagi.
Begitu juga dgn foto2 pada saat kita sedang berjabatan tangan dgn pejabat tinggi/selebritis, semua ijazah dari berbagai macam Universitas dan segala piagam penghargaan yg telah kita terima, pada saat kita mati, semuanya ini tidak ada nilainya sama sekali, sebab barang2 tsb hanya berharga bagi pemiliknya saja selama mereka masih hidup, tetapi setelah kita mati barang2 tsb akan jadi barang rongsokan untuk dibakar atau dibuang ketempat sampah. Jadi percuma saja kita membayar 20 juta US Dollar hanya untuk mendapatkan selembar piagam – benar2 hanya satu kesia-siaan saja.
Kita saling berlumba untuk mengejar harta, pangkat maupun nama di dunia ini, tetapi kalau direnungkan ini semuanya hanya satu kesia-siaan juga, sebab tidak ada satupun yg akan Anda bisa bawa keliang lahat, bagaimana tingginya pun pangkat Anda, ataupun bagaimana kayanya pun Anda suatu saat nama Anda akan terlupakan juga. Ayub 1:21 Dengan telanjang aku keluar dari kandungan ibuku, dengan telanjang juga aku akan kembali ke dalamnya. TUHAN yang memberi, TUHAN yang mengambil, terpujilah nama TUHAN!"
Semakin tua seseorang pada umumnya akan menjadi semakin bijak sehingga akhirnya akan timbul pertanyaan yg sdh ribuan tahun ditanyakan oleh jutaan manusia di kolong langit ini: “Apakah tujuan hidup kita ini? Untuk apa kita ini diciptakan?” Jawabannya adalah: The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind (lagu Blowin in the wind) - kata Pengkhotbah, kesia-siaan belaka, segala sesuatu adalah sia-sia. Apakah gunanya manusia berusaha dengan jerih payah di bawah matahari? (Pengkhotbah 1:2-3)
Sedangkan menurut Yakobus 4:14 …Apakah arti hidupmu? Hidupmu itu sama seperti uap yang sebentar saja kelihatan lalu lenyap.
Kita di brainwashing se-akan2 kita ini sebagai satu ciptaan yg paling indah, paling eksklusiv, paling berhasil dan paling unik, bahkan kita bisa sesumbar sambil membusungkan dada, bahwa tidak ada manusia keduanya seperti kita di kolong langit ini, sehingga akhirnya timbul pertanyaan: “Siapakah aku ini?” – Jawabannya: “Kamu ini Mr Nobody alias tidak ada apa2nya” – siapapun kamu pada saat ini, entah Bush, entah Bill Gates, kamu hanyalah sekedar debu, karena dari situlah engkau berasal. Engkau dibuat dari tanah, maka engkau akan kembali kepada tanah. (Kejadian 3:19)
Mang Ucup
Email: mangucup@wanadoo.nl
Homepage: www.mangucup.org
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
7 Dont's after meal
* Don't smoke-Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).
* Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.
* Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid.This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
* Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted &blocked.
* Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
* Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
* Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
What do we do when we pray? We open the line of communication to God. We have the opportunity for exchange with him. Do we somethimes pray and tell God what we want or need and then "hang up"? We, including myself, should remember that prayer is like a phone line and we should listen with our hearts as well as speak with our hearts. I am learning how to "listen" and I pray for God to give me the discernment to hear his words.
Do we have to be on our best behavior when we pray and only say nice things? I think we should respect and Love God but He also wants to hear our raw feelings. The issues that are tearing us apart inside. I believe it is ok with Him to tell Him about the things that bug us or the things that hurt us. He wants to hear our deepest feelings no matter what they are. Maybe some healing could take place when we do that. I am not condoning cursing God but I do condone letting Him know where it hurts so He can put a band-aid on it just as Loving Father would do for his children.
Lamenting is throughout the Bible just as is Romance and Violence. I encourage you to share the deepest, darkest parts of you with God. He knows your heart and knew you before you existed. He knows you so well that the very hairs of your head are numbered. He desires a Loving and intimate relationship with you and He thinks you are worth it, whatever "it" is. Whether you believe in God or not, or whether you Love God or not, He Loves you and always will. He never changes.
(by Tatsak)
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